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John’s Rig – more than just a Rig

For six years, ‘John’s Rig’ has been bringing not only clean water, but also joy, hope and new opportunities to the people of Ethiopia. Over 100 wells have been built, giving more than 280,000 people safe access to clean drinking water for the first time – a gift that is making a lasting difference to their lives.

It is inspiring to look at this journey and see how much we have achieved together. But what really drives us is looking ahead: the vision of building another 100 wells fills us with passion and optimism.


💧 Over 100 wells – a symbol of hope and change! Despite the pandemic, civil war and plagues of locusts, together we have achieved great things in Ethiopia. Every single well brings clean water and new prospects to where it is needed most.

💧 The mountainous Amhara region – where patience bears fruit. A well here often takes a month of intensive work, but the result is priceless: life-changing drops of water for communities that have been waiting for it.

💧 A valuable success for children. Not a single child has died from diarrhoea – a milestone for the health and happiness of these regions.

Let’s change the world one drop at a time! 🌍

David Schillinglaw designed the drilling machine, Viva con Agua
Girl driniking clean water, Result of the work of viva con agua
Lets keep the Water Flowing, Christmas campaign
The machine
Drillmaster Melkie next to the Rig in Ethiopia
JohnsRig - the machine for drilling
Girl holding soap - Result of the work of Viva con Agua

Why is the work so important?

Together, we can break new ground so that even more people have access to water and a future worth living. Let us continue this mission with love, joy and drive – step by step, drop by drop, towards a world full of prospects.

Our journey is far from over. With your support, we can keep ‘John’s Rig’ drilling and positively impact even more lives. Together, we can create change not only in Ethiopia, but around the world.

Over 700 million people are still without safe access to clean drinking water.


Deine Spende für Äthiopien:

  • 10 Euro enable a villager to be trained as a Village Hygiene Communicator
  • 70 Euro enable one person to attend a training course on the management of sustainable water systems
  • 200 Euro enable a person from the water authority to receive further training in the field of sustainability


Deine Ansprechpartner

Maik Welland | Digital Growth | Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V.


Digital Growth


Unsere Family


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