Water projects – it sounds simple, but is so versatile! We support projects in various Viva con Agua countries and pursue the WASH approach. In addition, we were able to develop many other creative approaches which support the success of our projects. We collaborate with many local and international partner organizations.
… is the abbreviation for water, sanitation, hygiene. All supported projects are based on this triad. The interaction of WASH components supports the long-term and sustainable success of the individual project activities.
Current news on the corona pandemic
The spread of the virus is a huge challenge, also in our supported project regions. We are therefore in constant contact with our partner organizations on site. With regard to COVID-19, some project activities are becoming more important while others have taken a back seat. Our partner organizations are currently focusing even more on hand-washing facilities and the promotion of hygiene measures.
This is where we support WASH projects
We support most projects on the African continent. Our focus is on projects in Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and South Africa. We maintain professional and personal relations with these countries and our local partner organizations, some of which have existed for many years.
Main WASH projects at the moment
One WASH in Uganda
Since 2014, Viva con Agua has been supporting projects in the KARAMOJA REGION and since 2018 in the WEST NILE REGION of Uganda.
The learnings and experiences gained with the long-standing project partners Welthungerhilfe and with
Viva con Agua Uganda are now flowing into an integrated WASH program. It continues the work in both regions in equal measure and combines it under the name ONE WASH PROGRAM UGANDA.
The main objective of the programme is to increase access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for around 50 COMMUNITIES in Karamoja and West Nile, as well as to sustainably strengthen the WASH and service sectors and preserve natural water catchments.
In addition to a strong focus on infrastructural measures, such as the construction of a total of 18 NEW WELLS or the rehabilitation of a total of 130 WELLS, School WASH clubs are being set up at around 60 SCHOOLS and the students are being supported by the UL4BC
(UNIVERSAL LANGUAGES FOR BEHAVIOR CHANGE) that joyfully inspire, activate and motivate to a hygiene- and health-conscious lifestyle.
TOILETS AND WASHROOMS are being built at schools and in small local hospitals, and cooperation with local district administrations, craftsmen and mechanics is to be strengthened, expanded and improved through targeted training and workshops.
South Africa WINS in South Africa
The WASH project in the Eastern Cape Province is the first project implemented by Viva con Agua independently in South Africa, together with Viva con Agua South Africa and other local partners.
The implementation of the WASH project is supported by the local partners Ripples for Good and Bulungula Incubator.
Viva con Agua South Africa is responsible for project
management and quality assurance. In addition, we will of course contribute our expertise in the area of UNIVERSAL LANGUAGES APPROACH and look for ways and methods to communicate the subject of WASH joyfully and effectively!
Main objectives:
To close supply gaps, a total of 50 new water supply points are being built or rehabilitated.
The aim is to guarantee 25 litres of water consumption per person per day.
Promotion and support of 50 health clubs in the
targeted schools, covering three key measures:
drinking water, latrines and hygiene.
The capacity of local service providers for both
construction and operation and maintenance of WASH facilities will be strengthened.
FogNets in Tanzania
Viva con Agua supports an alternative water harvesting
technology: fog nets that collect and store MOISTURE FROM THE AIR .
The nets made of three-dimensional textile fabric (PSE) with a sturdy plastic support grid (HDPE) – all UV-stable and food-safe – have a lifespan of 10 years and can draw up to 1,000 LITRES OF WATER PER DAY FROM THE AIR.
In areas where groundwater is in short supply (both in drought regions and in the highlands), CloudFisher can still ensure a SUSTAINABLE WATER SUPPLY.
Main objectives:
Improvement of water and sanitation.
Construction of fog
collectors at schools in the project area
Provision of rainwater collection systems (water
tanks and water filters).
Construction of sanitary facilities.
Implementation of WASH training courses and
hygiene workshops (mainly at 13 schools and
one vocational school).
Further WASH projects supported by us:
John’s Rig in Ethiopia
Engagement in 5 districts of the East Gojam Zone in the State Amhara with a total of 210 construction measures in the field of DRINKING WATER SUPPLY (source edges, deep wells, flat wells) as well as the construction of 36 LATRINE BLOCKS and comprehensive HYGIENE TRAININGS.
Viva con Agua has been involved in the design of the water project from the very beginning and sees itself not only as a financial sponsor, but also as an IDEA PROVIDER and a link between the different parties involved.
During the course of the project, Viva con Agua will have the opportunity to together with all project participants of the developments learn locally and constantly OPTIMATE the project.
Main objectives:
Improve the ability of target communities and
local government agencies to identify, plan,
implement, monitor and sustainably manage
WASH projects.
Increase safe water coverage in the target
woredas from 62% to 97%.
Achieve 95% of the sanitation of the targetworedas
by the end of the project time, from
the status at the baseline.
Increase the minimum hygiene standards practice of target households in the project
districts to 95%.
WASH’N’SOUL in Zambia
Our project partners are the NGO BORDA and the social
business soulbottles. The project aims towards making
the human right to water and sanitation a reality
through sustainable access to water, sanitation and
hygiene (WASH) services while at the same time establishing and incorporating structures and concepts
for waste management, social entrepreneurship and
climate protection.
Main objectives:
3 schools are connected to the water supply network
12 wells drilled (10 of these will be solar operated)
20 smart tap water ATM installed (for 10 water kiosks)
15 toilet buildings renovated
4 decentralized wastewater treatment systems built
10 solid waste management solutions established
20 sustainable business models developed and
At least 3 trainings for entrepreneurs facilitated
Implementation of a micro-finance scheme
CO2 emissions are offset
Water towers in Mozambique
The project builds on the experience of several previous projects.
The first phase of the present “Oratta Project” focused on WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS in small towns. In four district capitals 4 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS were newly constructed.
Main objectives:
The population in 80 neighbourhoods and suburbs has access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities.
The authorities, companies and committees
in the field of water supply and hygiene are
able to provide sustainable and high-quality
The framework conditions in the area of
water supply and hygiene have improved.
WASH Self-supply in Sierra Leone
Viva con Agua, Welthungerhilfe and SEND combine the
EMAS is a technology for the manual excavation of boreholes, which is suitable due to the sandy soil condition that Bonthe Island offers.
Each household in the community drills its own well. The people thus have a SECURE SUPPLY OF DRINKING WATER, completely independent of the public supply.
MICRO-CREDITS are given to enable people to buy materials for construction and to maintain the wells. At the same time, Self-Help Groups and Credit Associations are being set up to jointly manage the loans and thus contribute to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.
Main objectives:
Improved access to clean drinking water with
the EMAS self-supply system.
Reduce the economic vulnerability and sustainability of the WASH infrastructure
through microcredit.
Youth4Water in Simbabwe
A special focus is on GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES and on the subject of “MENSTRUAL HYGIENE MANAGEMENT” (MHM). The stigma surrounding MHM has a negative impact on girls’ school attendance and EMPOWERMENT. Menstruation is still shameful and leads to social exclusion.
In addition to the construction of wells and sanitary facilities, AWARENESS, TRAINING AND EDUCATION are therefore a priority. These components are intended to promote social ACCEPTANCE INCREASE OF MHM.
Main objectives:
Improvement of the water and sanitation supply
and the associated improvement of the living
conditions of the people in KweKwe.
Construction of wells and basic WASH
infrastructure in the communities.
Creation of awareness and knowledge in the area
of hygiene, especially related to MHM (Menstrual
Hygiene Management).
Construction of MHM-friendly sanitary facilities
for girls and women.
Water for Ijaji Town in Ethiopia
In Ijaji, only 18.7 % of the population had access to clean drinking water two years ago. Thirty years ago, a deep well was drilled in the village, which can only partially supply the now rapidly growing population.
The majority fetches water from unprotected water points, such as the river, where the cattle also drink, for drinking, cooking and washing. The result is frequent diarrhoeal diseases, which can be life-threatening, especially for small children.
Main objectives:
Conduct a hydrogeological feasibility study at the
start of the project.
Construction of a deep well with a yield of 10 liters per second (equipped with motorized pumping system and generator).
Laying of main and secondary lines for the distribution of drinking water (in addition to 13.5 km)
Construction of 2 water reservoirs at 200 cubic
Construction of 6 water collection points (2 in schools, 2 in health centres, and further 2 in public
Founding of WASH School Clubs at 2 schools.
Build 4 latrine blocks and 4 shower houses at 2
Build 1 public toilet and 2 public shower houses.
WASH Systems Strengthening in Kenya
Viva con Agua and Welthungerhilfe have chosen a SYSTEMSTRENGTHENING APPROACH in the WASH area. This means that we CONSIDER ALL COMPONENTS OF A WASH SYSTEM from the areas of governance, politics, institutions, legislation, accountability, finance, water resources and the environment, infrastructure for the provision of services, monitoring, reporting, knowledge management and much more.
Main objectives:
Construction, operation and maintenance of 3
communal wells with solar-powered motor pumps.
Targeted investments in areas with water stress
and in large, gravity-driven pipelines, mainly to
supply rural areas.
Construction and scale-up of rainwater collection
systems in households and public facilities.
Training of 3 water management committees with
9 members each.
Training of 3 communities in hygiene and social
marketing, including the promotion of hand
Implementation of a workshop for WASH
stakeholders on the Sustainable Services Initiative
Solar water disinfection in India
Families and households are familiarized with the SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection) method and are protected by the use of so called “solar water”.
WADI, solar-powered measuring devices for determining UV radiation, even able to RELIABLY FILTER CONTAMINATED WATER.
Unlike usual, glass bottles are used here instead of PET bottles.
The training sessions are accompanied by further HYGIENE TRAINING, the involvement of local multipliers, interest groups and initiatives, and high-profile ART AND MUSIC CAMPAIGNS.
Main objectives:
Access to clean drinking water for around 25,000
people. To this end, women will be strengthened
and supported in their leading role in water
Better water management and protection of
rehabilitated and newly developed water sources.
Avoidance of CO2 pollution by SODIS as an
alternative to boiling water.
Relieving the burden on the health system and
costs for the treatment of water-related diseases.
Sustainable WASH Services in Nepal
The rural region of the districts SIRAHA AND SAPTARI is located in the southeast of Nepal, around 300km away from the capital Kathmandu.
The majority of the Nepalese population has SECURE ACCESS TO DRINKING WATER (more than 90%). However, ACCESS TO BASIC SANITATION IS STILL A MAJOR CHALLENGE: 44% do not have access to appropriate basic sanitation.
In the project region the situation is even more challenging: more than 80% OF THE HOUSEHOLDS OBTAIN THEIR DRINKING WATER FROM SHALLOW WELLS (i. e. groundwater close to the surface), which are subject to an increased risk of contamination.
Almost 80% of households do not have toilets and 60% of schools do not have clean drinking water or basic sanitation.
Main objectives:
Improved, sustainable access to 10 water,
sanitation and hygiene services.
Disadvantaged groups and women are
economically strengthened through incomegenerating measures.
The capacities of local government, government
service providers and village communities are
being developed to provide high quality,
sustainable and accountable WASH services.
The state and provincial government let the
knowledge gained from the project measures flow
into future project developments.
Frequently asked questions about WASH
What’s WASH? How are water projects being selected and funded? You’ll find answers within our WASH-FAQ.
Challenges involved in our WASH projects
When people and technology meet, development cooperation projects face special challenges. One thing’s for sure: Wells are not everything, but without wells, all is nothing! For this reason, we promote and develop holistic project approaches that go beyond the mere provision of hardware (besides wells, this also includes toilets, hand-washing facilities etc.) and contribute to the long-term operation of these facilities. Viva con Agua is constantly developing and consistently optimizing project quality in order to turn donations into an investment in sustainability and the improvement of projects.
WASH projects are complex . Therfor we support new approaches for an sustainable and longlasting design of projects within our WASH strategy: