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Water projects at a glance

Water projects – it sounds simple, but is so versatile! We support projects in various Viva con Agua countries and pursue the WASH approach. In addition, we were able to develop many other creative approaches which support the success of our projects. We collaborate with many local and international partner organizations.


… is the abbreviation for water, sanitation, hygiene. All supported projects are based on this triad. The interaction of WASH components supports the long-term and sustainable success of the individual project activities.

Current news on the corona pandemic

The spread of the virus is a huge challenge, also in our supported project regions. We are therefore in constant contact with our partner organizations on site. With regard to COVID-19, some project activities are becoming more important while others have taken a back seat. Our partner organizations are currently focusing even more on hand-washing facilities and the promotion of hygiene measures.

This is where we support WASH projects

We support most projects on the African continent. Our focus is on projects in Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and South Africa. We maintain professional and personal relations with these countries and our local partner organizations, some of which have existed for many years.

Main WASH projects at the moment

  • #1

    One WASH in Uganda

  • #2

    South Africa WINS in South Africa

  • #3

    FogNets in Tanzania

Further WASH projects supported by us:

  • #1

    John’s Rig in Ethiopia

  • #2

    WASH’N’SOUL in Zambia

  • #3

    Water towers in Mozambique

  • #4

    WASH Self-supply in Sierra Leone

  • #5

    Youth4Water in Simbabwe

  • #6

    Water for Ijaji Town in Ethiopia

  • #7

    WASH Systems Strengthening in Kenya

  • #8

    Solar water disinfection in India

  • #9

    Sustainable WASH Services in Nepal

Frequently asked questions about WASH

What’s WASH? How are water projects being selected and funded? You’ll find answers within our WASH-FAQ.

Challenges involved in our WASH projects

When people and technology meet, development cooperation projects face special challenges. One thing’s for sure: Wells are not everything, but without wells, all is nothing! For this reason, we promote and develop holistic project approaches that go beyond the mere provision of hardware (besides wells, this also includes toilets, hand-washing facilities etc.) and contribute to the long-term operation of these facilities. Viva con Agua is constantly developing and consistently optimizing project quality in order to turn donations into an investment in sustainability and the improvement of projects.

WASH projects are complex . Therfor we support new approaches for an sustainable and longlasting design of projects within our WASH strategy:

Learn more about our design of WASH projects

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